| Mediation
– means a voluntary process entered into by agreement between the
parties to a dispute, in which an impartial and independent person, the
mediator, assists the parties to either resolve the dispute between
them, or identify issues upon which agreement can be reached, or
explore areas of compromise, or generate options to resolve the
dispute, or clarify priorities, by facilitating discussions between the
parties and assisting them in their negotiations.
Divorce mediation
is about you and your soon to be ex-spouse deciding your own settlement
and what is best for the both of you and most importantly, your
children. In mediation, you and your spouse meet with a neutral
third party, the mediator, and with his/her help, you work through the
issues you need to resolve so the two of you can end your marriage as
amicably and cost effective as possible. The issues covered
include but is not limited to the following: √
Distribution (assets / liabilities) / division of property (movable /
immovable) / calculating of accrual √ Parental responsibilities and rights √ Primary care / Visitation rights √ Maintenance – child(ren) / spousal
Parental Planning / Family disputes The
co-holders of parental responsibilities and rights in respect of a
child may agree on a parenting plan determining the exercise of their
respective responsibilities and rights in respect of the child. If
the parties are experiencing difficulties in exercising their
responsibilities and rights, those person before seeking the
intervention of a court, must first seek to agree on a parenting plan
determining the exercise of their respective responsibilities and
rights in respect of the child. A parenting plan may determine any matter in connection with parental responsibilities and rights, including – • where and with whom the child is to live • the maintenance of the child • contact between the child and –
any of the parties; any other person; and the schooling and religious upbringing of the child.
Parents not married can also utilize the process of mediation to resolve the issues regarding their children.
Compulsory Mediations in terms of Rule 41A of the Uniform Court Rules As
from the 9th of March 2020 the new Rule 41A of the Uniform Court Rules
has been made compulsory to any and all litigation. This entails
that in each and every summons and application issued, the summons and
application must include a notice to the Defendant / Respondent, and
visa versa, stating that the latter has an option to mediate over the
issues in dispute, resulting in the litigation process being
stayed. Failure to do so may entail a cost and/or punitive cost
order against an attorney or his/her client.
Why choose mediation
– promotes open discussions; builds relationships between parents
for future communication; empower parents; builds
confidentiality; decision making by parties and not the
court; cost effective comparing to litigation; quicker and
easier than litigation; parties are in control of the
process; informal process; parties can choose the time for
the cessions; combination of issues to be discussed and settled
together – in comparison to litigation where various forums are
involved; to prepare a workable parenting plan / settlement
What R Stevens Attorneys will need to assist you with Mediation. -
Make a request for Mediation by sending an email to R Stevens Attorneys
together with the email addresses or contact details of all stakeholders