R Stevens Attorneys
Family Matters
ArtChildren’s Court
Every Magistrates’ Court shall be regarded as a Children’s Court dealing with children’s matters in terms of the Children’s Act 38 of 2005.
A Children’s Court may adjudicate any matter, involving –
-    The protection and well-being of a child
-    The care of, or contact with a child
-    Paternity of a child
-    Support of a child
-    The provision of early childhood development services;  or prevention or early intervention services
-    Maltreatment, abuse, neglect, degradation or exploitation of a child, expect criminal prosecutions in this regard
-    The temporary safe care of a child
-    Alternative care of a child
-    The adoption of a child, including an inter-country adoption
-    A child and youth care centre, a partial care facility or a shelter or drop-in centre, or any other facility purporting to be a care facility for children
-    Or any other matter relating to the acre, protection of well-being of a child provided for in the Children’s Act.
What R Stevens Attorneys will need to assist you with a Children’s Court matter.
-    Book a first consultation
-    A copy of the current Parenting Plan / court order
-    A copy of the child’s birth certificate
-    A copy of your identity document
-    Proof of address
DivorceDivorce matters
It doesn’t matter how you are married, you have rights in terms of the marriage relationship and to consult with an attorney on how to claim / reserve those rights will empower you to enter into settlement negotiations.

What R Stevens Attorneys will need to assist you in a Divorce matter.
-    Book a first consultation
-    Original marriage certificate
-    If married out community of property, the original Antenuptial contract
-    If there are minor children born from the marriage, copies of their birth certificates and latest school reports
-    List of immovable and movable property with documentary proof where possible
-    List of investments / annuities / pension funds with documentary proof where possible
MaintenanceMaintenance – children & spousal
Maintenance is the obligation to provide another person, for example a minor or spouse, with housing, food, clothing, education and medical care, or with the means that are necessary for providing the person with these essentials.
What R Stevens Attorneys will need to assist you with a Maintenance matter.
-    Book a first consultation
-    A copy of the current Court order, if any
-    3 month’s salary advice
-    3 month’s expenses
-    3 month’s bank statements
-    Proof of address
Domestic_ViolenceDomestic violence
Domestic violence is the wilful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behaviour as part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another. It includes physical violence, sexual violence, psychological violence and emotional abuse.

What R Stevens Attorneys will need to assist you with a Domestic violence matter.
-    Book a first consultation
-    A copy of the current order / interim order, if any
Harassment is when someone behaves in a way which makes you feel distressed, humiliated or threatened. It could be someone you know, like a neighbour or people from you local area or it could be a stranger. Examples of harassment include: unwanted phone calls, letters, emails or visits.

What R Stevens Attorneys will need to assist you with a Harassment matter.
-    Book a first consultation
-    A copy of the current order / interim order, if any

Antenuptial ContractsWillsCivil_LitigationMediationEvictionsCorrespondent_Attorney