R Stevens Attorneys | Family Matters |  | Children’s Court Every
Magistrates’ Court shall be regarded as a Children’s Court dealing with
children’s matters in terms of the Children’s Act 38 of 2005. A Children’s Court may adjudicate any matter, involving – - The protection and well-being of a child - The care of, or contact with a child - Paternity of a child - Support of a child - The provision of early childhood development services; or prevention or early intervention services -
Maltreatment, abuse, neglect, degradation or exploitation of a child,
expect criminal prosecutions in this regard - The temporary safe care of a child - Alternative care of a child - The adoption of a child, including an inter-country adoption -
A child and youth care centre, a partial care facility or a shelter or
drop-in centre, or any other facility purporting to be a care facility
for children - Or any other matter relating to the
acre, protection of well-being of a child provided for in the
Children’s Act. What R Stevens Attorneys will need to assist you with a Children’s Court matter. - Book a first consultation - A copy of the current Parenting Plan / court order - A copy of the child’s birth certificate - A copy of your identity document - Proof of address
|  | Divorce matters It
doesn’t matter how you are married, you have rights in terms of the
marriage relationship and to consult with an attorney on how to claim /
reserve those rights will empower you to enter into settlement
What R Stevens Attorneys will need to assist you in a Divorce matter. - Book a first consultation - Original marriage certificate - If married out community of property, the original Antenuptial contract -
If there are minor children born from the marriage, copies of their
birth certificates and latest school reports - List of immovable and movable property with documentary proof where possible - List of investments / annuities / pension funds with documentary proof where possible
|  | Maintenance – children & spousal Maintenance
is the obligation to provide another person, for example a minor or
spouse, with housing, food, clothing, education and medical care, or
with the means that are necessary for providing the person with these
essentials. What R Stevens Attorneys will need to assist you with a Maintenance matter. - Book a first consultation - A copy of the current Court order, if any - 3 month’s salary advice - 3 month’s expenses - 3 month’s bank statements - Proof of address |  | Domestic violence Domestic
violence is the wilful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual
assault, and/or other abusive behaviour as part of a systematic pattern
of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against
another. It includes physical violence, sexual violence, psychological
violence and emotional abuse.
What R Stevens Attorneys will need to assist you with a Domestic violence matter. - Book a first consultation - A copy of the current order / interim order, if any
|  | Harassment Harassment
is when someone behaves in a way which makes you feel distressed,
humiliated or threatened. It could be someone you know, like a
neighbour or people from you local area or it could be a stranger.
Examples of harassment include: unwanted phone calls, letters, emails
or visits.
What R Stevens Attorneys will need to assist you with a Harassment matter. - Book a first consultation - A copy of the current order / interim order, if any